
Bogusław Miśta profile photo

Bogusław Miśta

Director of Engineering @ Zendesk

Bogusław Miśta is a Director of Engineering at Zendesk, leading the engineering efforts for Zendesk Sell, acquired in 2018. In his previous roles at Zendesk, he managed mostly platform teams. With over 15 years of experience, he is dedicated to improving the scalability and performance of SaaS products.


RabbitMQ Summit 2024
12:00 am

Advanced RabbitMQ Strategies: A case study from Zendesk

Pawel Bereza profile photo
Bogusław Miśta profile photo
15 October
Time:  12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location:  Estrel Hall C

Explore how Zendesk leverages RabbitMQ to manage high message volumes and ensure reliable communication in a multi-tenant environment. This session will cover techniques for achieving tenant isolation and quality of service, alongside the implementation of an AmazonMQ multi-cluster setup and it's usage on Kubernetes.

* Techniques for tenant isolation and quality of service in RabbitMQ.
* Practical applications of AmazonMQ in a Kubernetes multi-cluster setup.
* Strategies for managing high-volume message traffic and ensuring reliable delivery.
* Insights into scalable messaging solutions used at Zendesk.

* Developers and Engineers working with RabbitMQ who are interested in improving message handling and scalability.
* DevOps Professionals looking to implement and manage RabbitMQ and AmazonMQ clusters on Kubernetes.
* System Architects seeking insights into advanced messaging solutions for large-scale applications.

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